Thursday, April 28, 2005


There was nothing of particular interest coming out of today's "rubber-stamp" session of the SEPTA Board, except for the following:

1. The meeting actually started at 15:00, which is a major accomplishment considering that "rubber-stamp" sessions are notorious for starting anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes late.
2. State Sen. Stuart Greenleaf (R-Montgomery) was absent; Montgomery County board member Michael O'Donoghue and House GOP appointee Frank McCartney participated via phone.
3. For the first time in recent memory, Fearless Leader actually had something to report, as three SEPTA employees - two Broad Street Line managers and a Southern bus operator - were honored for apprehending a fleeing suspect and rescuing two children from a burning car that crashed into a Philadelphia Police cruiser.
4. The meeting ended at 15:06, a typical "let's get in and out as quickly as we can" session.

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