Tuesday, February 03, 2004


From the "Dog Bites Man" file...

The Trenton Times reports that the start date for NJ Transit's River Line has been pushed back yet again. In December, the start date was announced as February 15, giving hope to the few remaining supporters of the line that it would finally be up and running...


Now, it appears the latest start date will be March 14. Of course, I'll believe it when I see it.

It appeared to be a bad omen when the Burlington County Times reported last Wednesday that there were still a few glitches along the line with regards to the crossing gates.

Speaking of which, there are three separate articles regarding the latest set-back in what has become New Jersey's answer to Boston's infamous "Big Dig" project:

Light Rail Delayed Again

Wry Humor and Concern for Safety Follow Setback

Rail Safety Comes First, Officials Say

Here's one headline I'd really like to see:

"Oops, We Made A Mistake"

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