Tuesday, September 28, 2004

THE 4-1-1 ON THE 311

And now, for the latest on the beginning of the end of the 311/Commonwealth Breeze shuttle bus from the Lansdale/Doylestown Intelligencer:

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit (sic) Authority has scheduled a hearing for Oct. 28 to get public comment on terminating bus route 311.

The county's last meeting with businesses was Aug. 28, [Montgomery County Planning Commission's Leo] Bagley said. Officials considered tinkering with the Horsham Breeze, which covers some of the same ground as the Commonwealth route, to pick up some of the slack but decided it wasn't feasible.

"In the end, the costs were just too high," he said. "We're going to have to stop the (Commonwealth) line."

What will it mean for riders?

For employees of businesses closer to the mall and somewhat near to the Horsham Breeze, "It's longer walks," Bagley said. "It's not as convenient. It may mean an extra quarter-mile walk."

As for those at the northwest end of the route, he said, "There may be no option for transit services."

The SEPTA hearing will be held at 8:30 p.m. at the American Legion Post 308, 2305 Computer Ave., Upper Moreland.

[SEPTA spokesman Jim] Whitaker said a hearing examiner will present findings to SEPTA's board of directors as soon as December, and the route could stop operating in January. Intelligencer
Of course, the 311 would probably be in danger regardless of whether or not these hearings take place, depending on how Harrisburg reacts to SEPTA's latest funding crisis. (Originally posted September 27, 2004; 6:04pm)

UPDATE: Earlier today, I heard from a contact at Service Planning that the date and time of the hearing were both incorrect. The actual hearing date will be in early November at the American Legion Hall in Upper Moreland. SEPTA is required to give 30 days notice for all public hearings regarding routing adjustments or route eliminations. Apparently, the October 28 date was reported in error. Additionally, the hearing will start at 6:30pm, not 8:30pm.

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