Thursday, September 23, 2004


State Rep Ron Raymond (R-162/Delaware County) - whose most significant accomplishment related to SEPTA was siding with Norwood residents and officials in blocking the 115 from operating through that borough - is the chairman of a committee appointed by House Speaker John Perzel (R-Philadelphia) that was referred to on this blog earlier this week.

Raymond, along with 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans, are reviewing a possibility of a state-takeover of airports in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, along with SEPTA. Raymond's district also includes Tinicum Township, Delaware County, in which 2/3 of PHL Airport is located.

The Delaware County Daily Times offers a couple more comments in today's editions:

State Rep. Thomas H. Killion, R-168, of Newtown, a former member of the SEPTA board, and Bob Boland, Ridley Park councilman and head of the Machinists Union representing 3,800 workers at the airport, are also on the commission, he said.

"The commission met with SEPTA officials Tuesday regarding its $62 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2005 and plans to cut service 20 percent and raise fares 25 percent if sufficient funding isn't received from Harrisburg.Legislators have indicated that stopgap funding most likely will be provided to prevent a shutdown, but a long-term solution won't be taken until they return to Harrisburg in January.

"We have 10 session days before Nov. 30," when the current session ends, Raymond said. "We have to take that up and come up with some help for them."

State Rep. William F. Adolph Jr., R-165, of Springfield, said, "In the SEPTA situation, they're looking for a stopgap measure right now to get them through the balance of this current year and also looking for an additional dedicated funding source."

Once we get these reports back, we'll have a better understanding regarding the operation of these airport authorities, as well as SEPTA," Adolph said.

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